Good Reads

This is a list of some of the books that I have found useful, influential, fun, and otherwise worthwhile as I’ve developed my yoga practice.


Bringing Yoga to Life
Donna Farhi
This book had a really big impact on my desire to get “deeper” into yoga. It is not exactly an introduction to yoga, but it is easily accessible to anyone who is at any stage of their practice. When I read it, I hadn’t really experienced much of my yoga-lessons outside in my “real” life – those were still pretty separate. But the book is about how your yoga practice and your “real” life aren’t really all that separate. This notion really intrigued me. I guess the book is a little esoteric, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, in addition to learning a lot and getting inspired.

Dharma Punx: A Memoir
Noah Levine

Turning the Mind into an Ally
Sakyong Mipham; Pema Chodron

The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science & Spirituality
Dalai Lama XIV

Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life
Jon Kabat-zinn

Letters to a Young Poet
Rainer Maria Rilke

Meditations from the Mat: Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga
Rolf Gates & Katrina Kenison
This book is a collection of short, daily readings. I’ve found this book super useful – both in learning about yoga practices & philosophy, and also by giving me something short and easy I can do every day. I especially like that he spends a lot of time discussing the “Yamas” and “Niyamas”, which are some observances and practices that form the basis of yoga – and that are frequently skipped in classes. These observances are finding their way into my life outside of my physical practice, and in general I find them helpful in establishing a more balanced, content life – although it’s still challenging, of course!

A Maryknoll Book of Inspiration: Readings for Every Day of the Year
Michael Leach & Doris Goodnough


The Alchemist
Paulo Coelho
(Wikipedia article)  (about)

The Valkyries
Paulo Coelho

Hector and the Search for Happiness: A Novel
Francois Lelord

The Hakawati
Rabih Alameddine

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